Winter Intuitive Fair
January 18th, 2024 | 10-3pm
Intuitive Readers, Card Readers, Bone Readings, & a few small local Vendors!
The event is walk-in, or you can pre-book your readings below! Just choose your reader, and click book now!
Include in your request the reader you prefer and how long of a reading you would like! Check your e-mail for confirmation. (If you do not respond, your reading may be forfeited)
The readers take cash only :)
Melanie Chase
Melanie comes from a generational line of psychics and intuitive readers and has been doing intuitive psychic readings professionally for over 30 years. Also a trained spiritual advisor and a natural healer Melanie can help you uncover what it is you need insight on.
15 min. readings for $40
30 min. readings for $80
Karen Ferrel
Karen from the Scarlet Crow is a Medium, and a Bone Reader who uses her connection to the Spirit Realm to help give guidance about the life path you are on. Karen uses humor, and sass to help align yourself with your spirituality, and gifts.
Bone readings are similar to a Tarot Card reading, and a thorough reading can be done in 30 minutes, a more in depth one requires 45 minutes to an hour.
30 min. readings for $60
45 min. readings for $75
60 min. readings for $90
Linda Melhoff
Spirit has been an significant part of Linda's life for decades. She is a hands-on and Reiki healer, empath, spirit communicator with clairvoyant, clairaudient, precognitive and vibrational sensitive skills. As a tarot card reader, Linda will assist you with your spiritual needs.
15 min. for $30
30 min. for $60
Kassie Battista
During an Akashic Records Reading, Kassie brings forth the meaningful and uplifting details contained within your own limitless Akashic Record using a combination of clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient information received from your guides. Having specific detailed questions or matters to ask about is best with this type of connection. Moonology Oracle Card Readings are a great way to gain fresh perspective and understanding on the events currently in one’s life, or to ask simple questions and for general guidance.
Akashic Record Readings 30 min $75
Moon Oracle Card Reading 15 min $40
Ren Stuart
Utilizing the energy of the zodiac, associated stones and your personal birth chart, Ren is able to give insight into specific areas of your life by using a tool called a zodiac wheel (or circle).
Ren has a unique skill in communicating that is transforming. While providing a judgment free space, empathetic understanding and delivering a clear and concise, yet nurturing and tender astrology reading.
$50 for 30 min. Astrology Reading
Please include the reader, and the requested time in your e-mail! (If you do not respond, your reading may be forfeited)